
Scale with Integrations

One of the most important factors for a Mid-tier / High-end E-commerce platform is its ability to integrate with external systems.

The days of the ”once-size-fits-all” E-commerce Platform are over, if you want to scale your business. Modern E-commerce platforms therefore need to handle what they do best and let other systems excel in their own fields. Therefore, the extendibility and the ability to integrate with external systems are key characteristics of a scalable E-commerce platform.

We build integrations

At CustomerScale we help you build integrations both based on standardized and personalized APIs

E-commerce integrations

Customized Integrations

While standard integrations can be sufficient, your company may have special needs in order to become a market leader. We therefore can build integrations from scratch, if the out-of-the-box integration does not meet your company’s special needs.

Our approach always is to start with standard integrations, as they are cheaper to set up and maintain and–in most cases–will be a good fit. However; if you need tailormade integrations, we can program these.

Here are some examples where custom integrations may be the right choice:

  1. If you run a multiple branded web shop, but only has one account to a given system. You have a standard integration to the system, but it is not suitable for synchronizing with multiple web shops, based on one account.
  2. You have implemented external services and you need different events to be send from your E-commerce store. Your current standard plugin can send these events; however, it slows down your E-commerce. You therefore need a custom integration, which is built from the ground up, focused on boosting your site speed.

Contact us

Feel free to contact us to learn more about Integrations: