Page Speed Optimization

Page speed matters a lot

How fast your E-commerce store loads, directly influences your Customer Conversion Rate. A fast site not only boosts your revenue, it also creates happy and returning customers.

The commercial value of load speed

The below illustration from a CloudFlare study outlines how your Customer Conversion Rate drops when your site loads slower than 2.4 seconds.

The commercial value of load speed

Page Speed is a SEO ranking factor

Already back in 2010 Google publicly announced that how fast your E-commerce store loads, directly influences how you are positioned in Google’s search results.

Google values speed

Google has publicly announced that page speed is a ranking factor.

Like us, our users place a lot of value in speed — that’s why we’ve decided to take site speed into account in our search rankings.

Speed is the Achilles Heal of E-commerce stores

Given the fact that today’s E-commerce stores are technically complicated and furthermore integrated with many external systems that slows down load times, slow page load has become the Achilles Heal of most E-commerce Platforms. 

Due to this, many E-commerce stores do not pass Google’s Core Web Vitals Assessment, which is essential in order to achieve good page rankings in Google’s search results.

Pass Google’s Core Web Vitals

You must pass Google’s Core Web Vitals Assessment.

Core Web Vitals

Get a high PageSpeed test score

Our CustomerScale E-commerce Platform and our Headless E-commerce Storefront both have been speed optimized by our SEO Expert and they thus achieve desktop PageSpeed Insights results in the range of 90 to 98%. This has required a lot of technical optimization, which includes parameters such as:

  • How your E-commerce store is programmed
  • Which CMS your E-commerce store is based on
  • How your database is structured
  • How you cache pages
  • How you load images
  • How your external scripts are implemented
  • Etc.

We maximize your PageSpeed test score

We can help you achieve a high PageSpeed test score.

PageSpeed test score

Our PageSpeed Optimization process

We help you achieve a high PageSpeed test score based on this process:

  1. We analyse your E-commerce store
  2. We write a report outlining all issues
  3. We suggest how to optimize your PageSpeed
  4. We help you implement the technical improvements
  5. We launch a faster version of your E-commerce store

Contact us

Feel free to contact us to learn more about Page Load Optimization: